I am the author of two books to help small businesses to grow. Both have been endorsed by a New York Times bestselling author:

Chocks Away: Achieving Freedom from the 9 to 5

My first book was published in 2010:

Chocks Away: Achieving Freedom from the 9 to 5 by James McBrearty

There are many books on how to use online and offline networking in business … but none quite like this. With any new trend, it is easy to get swallowed up and consumed by the hype and miss the point completely. The means can easily complicate the ends. What James does in this book is bring a very healthy reality check into the equation … namely why you should do this in the first place. This book tells of James’ personal journey to achieving freedom from the daily grind. It is full of tips for both newbies and experienced networkers. If you want to take control of your life and to allow your business to really take off, this is the book for you.

James McBrearty, through sharing his own experiences and knowledge, provides an invaluable guide to business owners worldwide. Businesses, like aircraft,can experience times of turbulence; Chocks Away: Achieving Freedom from the 9 to 5 will show you how to help your business takeoff, expertly navigate through economic fluctuations and changes in the global business climate, and land safely at the destination you planned for-instead of ending up somewhere else!

Ivan Misner, Ph.D. – NY Times bestselling author and founder of BNI®
I was interviewed on Brooklands Radio by Sally James following the publication of my first book, Chocks Away.

Power Climb: Growing Your Small Business

My second book was published in 2012:

Power Climb - growing your small business cover

In the past you could keep doing what you had always done, and expect to get the same results you had always got… Unfortunately this is no longer the case in business – unless you are continually looking to improve you are actually going backwards. “You’ve got to learn more to earn more” is a favourite saying of James McBrearty. In this book James shares easily adopted business advice, to help your own small business to grow.

To read Power Climb is to empower yourself to earn more through learning more and gain greater enjoyment from the journey to the top. With this book, James continues the purposeful work he began with his first book, Chocks Away—helping small business owners achieve more by applying simple, affordable-to-implement tips that will propel business performance and free up time to enjoy other areas of life outside of business. Do yourself a favour and read this book!

Ivan Misner, Ph.D. – NY Times bestselling author and founder of BNI®

My books have also been featured in the press, both in the UK and internationally:
