If you are considering starting your own business, here are my top 5 tips:

• If allowed by your employer, start your business up while still at work. You can build it up slowly in the evenings and weekends. If you lose your job, or want to make the transition into self-employment, you will have an established business waiting for you.

• Look for support and advice from people who have actually started and grown a successful business – don’t be afraid to ask. There is a lot of help out there; you don’t have to make the same mistakes that most new business owners do.

• Investigate the change in markets – as well as traditional avenues there are a wealth of online opportunities that allow low start-up costs and overheads.

• Join a networking group. As well as the training and experience you will gain in presenting, on top of new business development, it is also a great environment to gain knowledge from other business owners.

• Believe in your own ability, if you don’t no-one else will – “now is the time to believe in ourselves, or leave our dreams behind.”
