60 Seconds?

Many networking events give people the opportunity to tell the group about themselves, usually within a 60 second time limit. This 60 seconds gives you an opportunity to tell people what you do, why people can trust you and what referrals you are looking for. The 60 second presentations can develop over a number of […]

6 tips to grow your small business

1) Be a person, not a business name So many people’s websites don’t even say their own name and just have the trading name – people want to know who it is they are dealing with, and some details about who they are as a person. This is why I also have several videos on […]

Do you tweet?

I’ve been using Social Media for business since 2009, and over that time have seen various sites come and go. One site that I have continued to use over the last few years is twitter. It’s the site I recommend, and with messages being limited to the size of a normal text message (140 characters) […]

Business over Breakfast 9th January 2014

For many people the first week back at work of 2014 will be a great opportunity to start on those business growth plans after time spent planning over the holidays. I would therefore like to invite you to join us on Thursday 9th January in Oxshott for business networking. You can see the profiles of […]

3 months until the next taxhelp.uk.com event

Following on from the success of our last event in October, we are now only 3 months away from the next one. Our next event will be held at the Holiday Inn Guildford on Tuesday 4th March 2014, from 4-6pm. As well as myself talking about tax, we will have other speakers covering investments. Look […]

Why use Social Media?

This is a summary from a short presentation I gave this week to the Reigate Business over Breakfast (BoB) networking group: There are usually two questions that people have whenever they hear Social Media being talked about: 1) Why should I use Social Media? 2) How do you find the time? Why If you are […]

Denbies event – October 2013

Last week I was at Denbies Vineyard in Dorking, Surrey: After a vineyard tour for our guests, I spoke on tax issues and we also had an adviser talking about pensions and investments: To finish the formal presentations we engaged an additional speaker to talk about business and personal protection issues. My presentation covered current […]

“The twittering taxman”

… And I have now tweeted 20,000 times ! Thanks to my followers for following 🙂 , do check out http://t.co/jg5d5XaMkW — James McBrearty (@taxhelpukcom) September 26, 2013 … Is something I’ve been called in the past! I’ve been using twitter for several years now, and have just reached my 20,000th tweet. Twitter is the […]

taxhelp.uk.com autumn 2013 publishing schedule

Over the summer I have been writing blog posts and recording videos, covering personal tax and business issues. These are going to be published weekly from now until Christmas: Tuesday mornings – on my blog: http://ryu.ilc.mybluehost.me/taxhelp.uk.com/blog Thursday afternoons – on my YouTube channel: You can find my channel at: www.youtube.com/user/taxhelpukcom Please do subscribe to be […]

The 2013 Ascot Retirement Fair

…is only a few weeks away now, on the 21st August, and I will again be taking a stand: This year there are additional events, as well as the usual good diversity of exhibitors, to make it a day out (particularly if we still have the summer weather): • Ping Pong – there is an […]