The importance of downtime for the self-employed


People often forget about their most important business asset, which is themselves. We’ll cover why it’s so important to schedule in downtime to ensure business growth. You’ll understand that because business owners love what they do it often doesn’t feel like ‘work’ to us, but you still need to schedule downtime away from the business. […]

Using your business accounts for planning


It’s been said that up to 50% of small business owners don’t understand their accounts. They are prepared once a year for the tax authorities and then just filed away. We’ll cover how your business accounts are a valuable document, and also how you can gain a further understanding. We talked about your business plan […]

When to use professional help to grow your business


As the business grows you may find that all the demands on your time start to result in you not being able to concentrate on them all. We’ll cover how you can generate more time for yourself, to spend on other areas of the business. By the end, you’ll understand that you can gain great […]

The importance of regular client contact


Many people work hard at getting new clients, but then miss out on the best source of referrals and new business. We’ll cover how your existing clients can actually be a great source of new business, and how you can help them to help you. You’ve worked hard to win the business from existing clients, […]

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development(CPD)

There is a saying “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get the results you always have” – unfortunately in business this isn’t true anymore, you must always keep refining your skills to stay ahead of the competition. We’ll cover the importance of ongoing learning in developing the competitiveness of your business. By […]

Time demands as your business grows


We discussed all the new demands on your time when you start a small business. These will continue to evolve as the business develops. We’ll cover how time allocations will develop over time, and the key importance of planning for these upcoming changes. Maintain balance As your business develops there will be changing demands on […]

Communication response expectations

Communication response expectations

Clients will have their own idea of how quickly they would like a response, unfortunately this has been reducing each year. In this short post, we’ll cover how to manage client communication expectations. By the end you will be able to structure your business to effectively respond to enquiries. Response timescales Response timescales are one […]

The sales process & marketing funnel


People are often confused between sales and marketing, and are not clear exactly what they are and how they are linked. We’ll cover an introduction to sales and marketing. By the end you will have an understanding of how sales are linked to marketing, and the importance of numbers. Download the easy sales and marketing […]

Your easy small business marketing plan


You only have a limited amount of time and money, so will have to choose where you allocate this when it comes to marketing. We will bring together all the marketing elements I’ve covered recently into a plan of action. By the end you will have a timetable and budget breakdown to allocate your marketing […]

Free marketing options for small business


There are a huge number of free marketing options, but you might not realise that some can actually harm you. We’ll cover how to make the best use of some of the free marketing resources available, while being mindful of any time cost. By the end you will have a list of several options for […]

Over 1,000 students in more than 90 countries

Starting and growing a small business course

Back in January 2016 I launched my free online course ‘Start & grow your own business easily, a step by step guide.’ My course shares advice that I’ve picked from helping hundreds of small businesses over the last 10 years. In October 2016, I’m pleased to advise that I now have over 1,000 students enrolled […]

Paid advertising options


As a business owner, there are a huge number of options on where to spend your marketing budget, but also some pitfalls. We’ll cover some of the more popular paid advertising options. By the end you will have an understanding of the options when it comes to paid advertising, and be able to consider whether […]