Following on from my earlier blog, Where’s your blog?, another thing to consider is your online profile.

There are any amount of Social Networking websites, what they usually have in common is that they have a space on them for you to create a profile to share with members of that site.

With the large numbers of sites available, a way to save time is to spend some in the beginning creating a profile that is transportable between them.

Profiles now can range from perhaps your hobbies through to maybe what could be consideredĀ an online CV – many sites have similar elements and you can customise your profile for each once you have a base one.

Another thing to remember is that your profile picture, or avatar, is the representation of you online – it is worth paying a professional photographer to take a headshot that you can use online. Keeping this profile picture is important as people will use it to recognise you online, so if you keep changing your picture every few days it is likely to reduce the interaction you get online as people won’t recognise you.

As I mention in my earlier blog, backups are another thing to consider, particularly with longer profiles you create.

I’ve learnt this the hard way, there was a site I used to use that you had to program your profile in HTML code – one slip in entering this and your profile was lost!

Again, if the site should not beĀ available anymore you want to be able to have your profile stored for easy access and uploading to new sites.
