taxhelpukcom on twitter

I’ve been using Social Media for business since 2009, and over that time have seen various sites come and go.

One site that I have continued to use over the last few years is twitter.

It’s the site I recommend, and with messages being limited to the size of a normal text message (140 characters) it’s quick and easy to use.

When news items are unfolding it’s the site I go to rather than the news on TV or online, as it is much quicker. For example with the local floods we were having people were able to upload pictures of closed roads and fallen trees straightaway, enabling you to plan your routes around the blocks.

It’s also a good site for keeping in contact with businesses in the local area, indeed I had a meeting recently with someone who had tweeted a status update regarding a new development with their business that started a conversation.

Please do join me on twitter:
